These Twins Are Actually Cousins, and Its Confusing Everyone Online

Publish date: 2024-10-17

A set of twins is going viral online after they revealed to be both cousins and brothers. Their explanation, although extremely fascinating, is also giving people’s brains quite the workout, as many can’t figure out exactly how what they hear is true.

Everyone thinks they’re brothers.

The Peter Twins, as they’re known on TikTok, decided to clear up their relationship after being repeatedly asked whether they were twin brothers or not. The 2 new internet sensations, both named Peter, revealed on social media that they’re cousins. “We are not twins. We’re actually twin cousins,” they said.

Fortunately, the twins shared how they could be cousins, given their strong resemblance. “What happened was that our dads, Pedro and Peter, they’re twin brothers, and they got together with our moms, who are twin sisters. So our parents are identical twins,” they explained.

Peter and Peter continued to tell the story, including how they ended up with the same name. “What’s crazy is that they got married around the same time and what’s even crazier is that they had a kid around the same time,” they told. “They both had boys around the same time, and we look almost exactly alike. And they decided to give their boys the same name, Peter.”

Genetically speaking, they can be considered siblings.

In a video that was viewed over a million times in just 2 days, the Peters replied to someone who claimed they are actually half-siblings, genetically speaking, because their dads are identical twins. ’’That would be only true if our dads would only be identical twin brothers. But because our moms are also identical twin sisters, that actually makes us full siblings, not half-siblings," they corrected the user.

In the comments, someone made an interesting point. “Genetically, you are brothers, but legally, you are cousins,” one user wrote, which got a reply from the Peters. “You’re exactly right which is pretty cool,” they said.

Bonus: Watch the twins explain everything!
